Red Knot Service

One Channel, One System, Many Partners

Our services are beneficial for:

  • Government
    • providing one quality, secure & accountable system that collates all granular pieces of information into highly accurate reporting
  • Employers
    • ensuring quality of required workers is maintained, regardless of country of origin, by overseeing all talent acquisition proces ses
    • cost of acquisition with one easy to engage process for filling all staffing needs not able to be sourced within Australia ─ workers are well vetted, to ensure they will fit into the workforce quickly and efficiently
  • Australians
    • identifying and attracting people who are properly qualified and vetted to address a shortage of workers, thereby improving the economy while ensuring workers embrace our Australian values in a way to help our nation grow
  • Candidates/Workers
    • providing a worker with one over arching channel that assists them from their country of origin until they commence employment with a reputable employer.

We engage quality, ‘best in breed’ partners who can maintain a focus on doing what they do best

One Safe, Secure, and Ethical Channel

Red Knot Services

Key People

Tony Eyres, Founding Director

  • Tony brings extensive knowledge, networks and insights across Australia’s key trade related industries, primarily food & agriculture
  • Previous roles include a CEO role with a peak industry body and a Senior Executive Service role with Austrade, in Sydney, and a global GM Operations role with Fonterra Group, in NZ
  • Tony’s commercial acumen is supported by strong research and technical skills, underpinned by an undergraduate degree in agricultural and resource economics
  • Skills and global networks further developed through a Churchill Fellowship and various programmes at Harvard University’s Business School and Kennedy School of Government.

Martin O’Dee, Founding Director

  • Martin is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for business systems exemplified by him starting one of QLD’s first ISPs in the 1990’s
  • He continually seeks new ways and means to identify and attract quality workers globally to support commercial business growth
  • Martin maintains business interests in different sectors including tourism, hospitality and education
  • His recent, primary focus has been on recruitment into the tourism sector, including supply of people from all over Greater Asia into two of the World’s largest cruise companies.

What is Red Knot?

Red Knot is a channel provider that ensures that quality people get quality employment in sectors where no Australian is available to do the work we are about building Australia, not undermining it!

What Red Knot ensures

  • Each candidate has the language skills, experience and education to live, work and embrace Australian values
  • Every step from the country of origin, all over the world, to the employer in Australia is professional and safe
  • An employer can accept a worker from any country, in which we operate, and know they will meet their high expectations
  • One source of information so the whole process of getting workers to Australia is fully accountable to all the stakeholders.

What Red Knot is not

  • A labour hire business
    1. While we can work with anyone, we would prefer to supply high quality Australian businesses directly with talent that meets their requirements
  • Confined to one country of origin, and we do not encourage migration for its own sake
    1. We believe that good talent exists everywhere, and it should be encouraged to help build Australia
    2. We believe that every person coming to Australia should have an employer who needs them or an institution who can educate them or both
  • Fixed to any one partner
    1. We will work with any talent acquisition company, migration agent, transport company, quarantine, education provider and employer that is seeking to work with an ethical, reliable, accountable and transparent channel to attract and retain workers into Australia.

Hiring and Onboarding

Overview of Client Delivery

Central Repository

Systems and Processes

All our partners connect to our system and comply with our processes

All partners provide us with key data at every stage of the hiring, transport and induction process

Enables us to track and help every suitable candidate from initial engagement off-shore to employment in Australia.

Current Global Talent Catchment

Foundation Partners

Rounding Up
  • Serviced clients across Australia and globally for more than ten years (est. 2007)
  • Established an extensive network across much of rural and regional Australia
  • Strong focus on agribusiness and food sector (incl. commercial and capital advice to large scale beef, grains, dairy, cotton, sugar and horticultural enterprises nationally)
  • Facilitated technology solutions for innovative and sustainable production methods
Speedy Global
  • Successfully sourced staff from a footprint covering >50% of the World’s nations for more than 10 years (est. 2011)
  • Delivered >10,000 hospitality, marine and land based staff to global cruise liners (incl. >2400 to Royal Caribbean in the year prior to COVID)
  • Zero persons returned by clients in the 30 day assurance window
  • Zero issues with any embassy, immigration department or other government agency globally

Contact Details

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